The National Society of Arts and Letters is a nonprofit organization that offers support to young artists. It was founded in 1944, and the Saint Louis Chapter was founded in 1953. Its members include people who have achieved a professional level of training or competence in art, dance, drama, literature, music, or musical theater, and/or are patrons of the arts.
The NSAL sponsors annual competitions with prizes at the chapter and national levels, including the National Annual Awards, with prizes up to $12,000, and the Winston Scholarships in Two-Dimensional Art and Classical Voice, each one of which gives a total of $12,000 in scholarships. The Saint Louis Chapter also grants Artist Support Awards for up to $1,000.
Members meet five times per year, to report on Chapter committee activities and share information about local events related to the arts. Each meeting includes a presentation or performance by a noted arts professional, and every spring there is a performance and presentation by the Chapter Winners in the Annual Competitions and Scholarships. Meetings are followed by a luncheon and friendship hour.
Information about the history, regional chapters, and funding sponsored by the National Society of Arts and Letters may be found on the national website, For more information about the Saint Louis Chapter, contact the Chapter President, Adelia Parker-Castro, by email at Our Chapter also welcomes new members at any time, and you can download the Membership Form below.