The Saint Louis Chapter of NSAL has established a fund to support young artists from the ages of 18 through 30. The Artist Support funds are for private study, for specific training, or for special needs relating to the applicant's field of artistic endeavor, including art, dance, drama, literature, music, and musical theater. The funds may not be used for high school or college tuition.
The applicant may receive up to $1,000 in any one year. Subsequent requests should be accompanied by evidence of continuing artistic development. No applicant shall receive more than a total of $2,000. Awards will be given on the basis of artistic merit and financial need, and applicants must demonstrate exceptional talent and promise of future success.
Download the Application Form below. Completed applications and all required supplemental documentation must be submitted by email. Please send applications or inquiries to the email address provided in the application form below.
Artist Support Application 2022 (docx)